Born and raised in the unique Asian culture of West Sumatra, Indonesia, Leisurely Squares club caller, Noes Noesbar, always loved sport & athletics, singing, dancing and cooking - pastimes which continue to this day. Arriving in SA in 1955 on a scholarship, Noes began his studies at Adelaide University in '56. That year he also joined the socccer team & played inter-varsity rugby in Queensland, met his future wife, Mignon, and taught and performed items for cultural events.
In the 1960s Noes graduated with Bachelor of Technology and Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering while working for the SA Public Buildings Dept., was granted Australian citizenship and won a bronze medal in the SA Foil Champoinships!
Noes had married Mignon in 1959 and in '69, with their three young daughters, they moved to PNG where he joined Commonwealth Dept of Works. This great 2-year tropical experience included a visit to family in Indonesia! On returning to Adelaide, cultural, family & handyman activities, work and sport continued to occupy Noes's life until he discovered Square Dancing through Geoff Moyle's Festival City Squares! He even gave up badminton night!
After graduating from Geoff's Mainstream class of '91, and later Trevor Hunt's Plus class, Noes was encouraged to join the SASDS-sponsored caller school run by Jeff Seidel! After his graduation with that group he and Mignon formed Tiny Twirlers after-school club at Parafield Gardens PS. Meanwhile, Trevor asked Noes to run his clubs while he and Lorraine were overseas, then Chris Browning invited Noes to join Rebels and gave him regular calls there - more valuable experience!
In early 1999, requested by the Society President to start a Thursday night (basic) club, Noes, with Mignon's support, founded Leisurely Squares at Gilles Plains, providing relaxed dancing in a friendly atmosphere which attracted the return of many former dancers, all of them Mainstream! Though initially a late starter, for over 12 years now Noes has given and received much pleasure through his dancing and calling, participating in community celebrations, local pageants, aged care entertainment, and teaching Community Dance/CDP, school classes and the intellectuially disabled.
Noes has called at State Conventions, 2007 National Convention in Adelaide, and clubs in Montana and Idaho during his and Mignon's visits to their daughter and only grandchild in the USA. In spite of some slow-down due to recent ill-health, Noes can still summon the Oomph when it counts as shown by his most recent demo at JYC, and he still keeps up his badminton (on doctor's orders) but at a more Leisurely pace!
Noes thanks all callers, dancers & others for past and present support!