The South Australian Square Dance Society Inc SASDS Inc

Modern Square Dancing

Fun and friendship set to music

Modern Square Dancing

Fun and friendship set to music

Duties and Responsibilities of Committee Members


  • To maintain consistent and open communication between the Executive group.
  • To provide leadership and have responsibility for the management of Society business.
  • To maintain the Society's Yearly Planner and promptly forward updated versions to the Secretary
  • Attend significant State events including the majority of Club Birthdays.
  • Preside over and attend all Society Meetings and other Society functions from time to time.
  • Write a ‘President’s Page’ for the Round Up each month.
  • Prepare and cause to be delivered to the National Convention Committee as directed by the said committee each year an honest and unbiased report on square dancing in South Australia. Such report shall be no more than one A4 page in length.
  • Be the Society's representative or have nominated a proxy at National Square Dance Society of Australia meetings.
  • Be an ex-officio member of all committees or sub-committees of the Society.

PROVIDED THAT should the President be unable to attend to any of the above duties for any reason then the Vice-President shall attend to such duties in lieu of the President.

Vice President

  • To maintain consistent and open communication between the Executive group and ensure that the President is informed of all matters affecting the management of the society.
  • Assist the President in the duties of that office.
  • If required attend to any duties of the President where the President is unable to do so.
  • Be responsible for the storage unit key.
  • Keep a register of the Society’s equipment and monitor maintenance and use of this equipment.
  • Ensure a copy of the Round Up is archived for the Society.
  • Be responsible for maintaining the Club Birthday Awards and records. 
  • Be the Society’s second representative or have nominated a proxy at National Square Dance Society of Australia meetings.


  • To maintain consistent and open communication between the Executive group and ensure that the President is informed of all matters affecting the management of the society.
  • Convene and attend all meetings of the Society.
  • Distribute an Agenda for Committee Meetings.
  • Keep minutes of all meetings of the Society and distribute to committee members.
  • Record the person responsible for actions to be taken as agreed at committee meetings.
  • Send and receive mail on behalf of the Society, except where that is specifically required of another officer’s role.
  • Liaise with the Web Master regarding the organisation of the SASDS website and items to be published on it.
  • Write a ‘Committee News’ page to be published in the Round Up each month. 
  • Save all minutes and documents to the hard drive to be passed onto future secretaries.
  • Liaise with the Web Master for the National Website to keep SA information up to date.
  • Be SA State Editor for the National Review to pass on contributions and keep SA information up to date.
  • Attend the Editors’ Meeting at National Conventions or nominate a proxy to do so.

Membership Secretary

  • To maintain consistent and open communication between the Executive group and ensure that the President is informed of all matters affecting the management of the society.
  • Assist the secretary in the duties of that office.
  • If required attend to the duties of that office where the secretary is unable to do so.
  • Ensure applications for membership, including up to date fees, are distributed to members and clubs for new members each year.
  • Collect all completed membership applications including the required remittance. Process the forms and monies, ensuring receipts and membership cards are distributed. This may be via the Club Representatives.
  • Maintain a complete register of members, including Life Members, ensuring that privacy is maintained pursuant to the Privacy Act.
  • Advise the Round Up Editor of the number of Round Ups required for distribution.
  • Supply the Round Up Editor with an up to date copy of the register of names for the distribution of the Round Up in a timely manner.
  • Ensure a copy of the Round Up is delivered to the Mortlock Library, Adelaide.
  • Be responsible for catering at Society dances.
  • Be responsible for the keys of the monthly Meeting Hall.


  • To maintain consistent and open communication between the Executive group and ensure that the President is informed of all matters affecting the management of the society.
  • Have the power to expend on behalf of the Society, not more than the sum fixed by the committee from time to time, without the express sanction of the general committee.
  • Receive all monies and pay same into the banking account of the Society.
  • Keep an account of all assets and liabilities of the Society and all such monies received and disbursed, which account shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting duly audited. 
  • Present a report to each meeting of the Society which shall include accounts for payments and payments made from time to time. 
  • Supply the Round Up Editor a copy of the audited report for inclusion in the Round Up.
  • Prepare invoices to the Clubs for advertising included in the Round Up.
  • Be a member of the State Convention Committee.
  • Carry out duties as the Public Officer for Government Regulations.

Round Up Editor

  • To maintain consistent and open communication between the Executive group and ensure that the President is informed of all matters affecting the management of the society
  • Receive contents, edit and prepare Round Up for printing and arrange for the printing of the prepared Round Up.
  • If any content is inadmissible under the guidelines for articles to be included in the Round Up, liaise with the President and Vice President as to the action to be taken.
  • Collect printed copies and bundle ready for hand over to Club Representatives. Copies to be posted are handed to the Membership Secretary.
  • Printed copies are collected and bundled ready for hand over to Club representatives at the monthly meeting, the Membership Secretary will supply members names for the distribution of the both the printed and emailed Round Up. Copies to be posted are handed to the Membership Secretary.
  • Maintain contact lists for the email distribution of Round Up
  • Ensure soft copy (PDF) of Round Up is loaded onto the National Library of Australia using the National edeposit system (NED).
  • Ensure that Round Up from previous month is posted on both the SASDS and National websites.

Club Representative

  • Be the liaison officer between the Society and the Club represented.
  • Attend Society meetings and report the activities of the Club represented.
  • If unable to attend a Society meeting, ensure a duly introduced proxy attend the meeting and perform the duties of the Club Representative.
  • Collect from the Society meetings any information, Round Ups and any other item to be delivered to the Club and its members.
  • Ensure the Round Up Editor is informed of any changes to the calendar of the Society as printed annually.
  • Report any extra information not printed in the Round Up to the Society from the Club.
  • Report accurately information discussed at Society meetings, seek feedback as required and report back to the Society.
  • Inform the Vice President of upcoming significant Club Birthdays.


  • Update the website as directed by the Society President or Secretary.
  • Add material as requested from the following persons:
    1. For SASDS, material from the Society President or Secretary to be accepted.
    2. For State Conventions, only material from the Convener, Co-Convener or Publicity Officer to be accepted.
    3. For Clubs, only material to be accepted from the Club Caller or any other person the Webmaster knows to be a representative of the Club.
  • Requests from other sources to be referred to the Society President or Secretary.

Page last updated 07/07/2021