Thelma and Tom had their first glimpse of Round Dancing at the National Convention in Adelaide in June 1986. Thelma and a friend took their husbands along to get the husbands interested in Square Dancing [Thelma started in 1953] but when Tom saw the Rounds, that was what he wanted to learn. So they started the next week with Peter Heath's Learners.
From then on their family knew not to ask for baby sitting duties in their dance times. The following year Peter threw Thelma a record and said 'come out and cue the dance' and to her surprise she found she could do it fairly well. There was no stopping her. 1988 she was cuing at SARDA dances and did her first State Convention and hasn't missed one since, and only missed three Nationals. Next came a little teaching with Peter's Club, and then on to choreograph many dances which were published overseas.
Thelma and Tom started Square Dancing in 1987 at the Allemandas Learners Class and so for them they were really happy to do both Round and Square Dancing. She then went on to cue for Shooting Stars, Festival City and for a while with the Outlaws Clubs. Thelma has attended every Callers and Society Dance and she was made a life member a few years ago. They have also been on the Round Dance Committee continually since 1987 and are both Life Members. They were also made Life Members of the Australian Round Dance Association in 2009.
In June 1991, they opened their T & T Round Dance Club and have run successfully for 19 years with numerous learners classes conducted. They are now running four sessions a week ranging from Learners to Intermediate and Advanced at the Chandelier Ballroom, Collinswood.
They have been married for 62 years with four children, six grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Their other pastimes are Tenpin Bowling and Lawn Bowls.